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Dysnomia Outcast On A Distant Moon

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Black Bond Books





A young woman named Layla sets out to prove herself. Strong-willed and courageous, she is determined to show that she can do anything a boy can do. Along her journey she finds herself face to face with danger, adventure and mysterious forces. A devious character named Nilerm traps Layla and her friends and they are driven off the edge of a cliff into a mysterious new world underground. They realize that they must do all they can in finding the courage to confront danger, if they are going to find their way back home. 



• 2019 Finalists in Book Excellence Awards for Young Adult Fiction


• 1st place in 2016 INAP Awards for Literary Arts 


• Best seller for pre-orders on Amazon and Canadian Amazon list 







“Jenny Story is a powerful new voice in YA Fantasy.” Bennett R Coles, Winner of the 2014 Cygnus Award for Science Fiction


“Jenny has beautifully been able to infuse her own strength, ambition, and heart into this page-turning fantasy tale.”  Betty Watson, Author of What can Jordyn do? And On a Day in Brandon, Manitoba


“Jenny has been an inspiration to many young people and is now adding to her already successful life story by writing this imaginative and fascinating tale.” Sarah McLean, VP Productions, Powerhouse Theatrical Society

Jenny’s determination, perseverance, and creativity are an inspiration to all of us.” Barry Ward, President, Bardel Entertainment

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